Neutral Cards in GWENT are shown below. Neutral is one of the decks available, coming back from The Witcher series. This faction, like all others, has a specific personality.


Neutral Cards


Card Name Power Row Type Loyalty Ability


2 Melee/Ranged/Siege Troop L Inspire Fresh Recruits: Passive: 2x Strength of all Units without any Ability on row, unless another card with inspire Fresh Recruits is already on row.

Avallac'h Mysterious Elf

12 Melee Hero D Spy False Prophecy: Played: Draw 2 cards from your Deck. Place one in your Hand, the other in your Graveyard.

Avallac'h The Sage

10 Siege Hero D Spy Emissary: Played: Draw 2 cards from your Deck to your Hand. Your opponent Draws 1 card from their Deck to their Hand. This card is revealed to you.

Biting Frost

0 Melee Special L/D Frost: When Played: Place a Frost Glyph on both players' Melee rows. Reduces base strength of all cards on row to 1.


8 Melee Hero D Resurrection Graverobber: When Played: Take any non-Hero Unit from your opponent's Graveyard. Play it instantly.

Ciri Blink

10 Melee Hero L Withdrawal: Passive: Returns to your Hand if you lose the round.

Clear Skies

0 N/A Special N/A Fair Weather: When Played: Remove all weather glyphs from the Battlefield.

Commander's Horn

0 Melee/Ranged/Siege Special L Inspire: When Played: Place an Inspire glyph on its row. This glyph doubles the Strength of all non-Hero Units.


1 Melee Character L Inspire: When Played: Place an Inspire glyph on its row. This glyph doubles the Strength of all non-Hero Units.


0 Melee/Ranged/Siege Special L Swap: When Played: Return a loyal, non-Hero Unit on the Battlefield to your Hand and play this in its place. Cannot replace Units which have the Swap ability.


0 N/A Special N/A Plague: When Played: Remove weakest unit(s) on Battlefield.

Geralt Igni

10 Melee Hero L Igni: When Played: If the opponent's Melee row's total Strength is equal to or greater than 15, send the strongest card(s) from that row to the Graveyard. Also remove all Frost Glyphs from the battlefield.

Geralt Swordmaster

15 Melee Hero L N/A


4 Siege Troop L Deathwish Lesser Golems: When Removed: Spawn 2 Lesser Golems.

Impenetrable Fog

0 Ranged Special L/D Fog: When Played: Place a Fog glyph on both players' Ranged rows. This glyph reduces the base Strength of non-Hero units to 1.

Jade Golem

4 Melee Troop L Deathwish Lesser Jade Golem: When Removed: Spawn 2 Lesser Jade Golems.


8 Melee Character L Muster Witchers: When Played: Play all Witchers from Deck & Hand.


0 Melee/Ranged/Siege Special L Spores: When Played: Place a Spores glyph on a row, adding +4 to the Strength of all non-Hero Units.


6 Siege Character L Incinerate Siege: When Played: If your opponent's Siege row's total Strength is equal to or greater than 15, send the strongest non-Hero Unit(s) on that row to the Graveyard.


8 Siege Character D Muster Hero: When Played: Play random hero from Deck. When Removed: Discard.

Prize Winning Cow

0 Melee Character L Deathwish Bovine Defense Force: When Removed: Spawn a Chort


4 Melee/Ranged/Siege Character L I'll Be There For You: Passive: Play this card from your Deck, Hand, or Graveyard on a random row whenever anyone plays a hero.


4 Ranged Character L Fair Weather: When Played: Remove all Weather glyphs from the battlefield.


0 N/A Special N/A Incinerate: When Played: Send the strongest non-Hero Unit(s) on the battlefield to the Graveyard.

Torrential Rain

0 N/A Special L/D Rain: When Played: Place a Rain glyph on both players' Siege rows. This glyph reduces the base Strength of non-Hero Units to 1.

Triss Butterfly Spell

11 Ranged Hero L Fog: When Played: Place a Fog Glyph on both players' Ranged rows. This glyph reduces the base strength of non-Hero Units to 1.

Triss Mistress of Magic

4 Ranged Hero L Choice Incinerate or Fair Weather: When Played: Either Incinerate (remove the strongest Unit(s) in play) or Fair Weather (remove all Weather glyphs).


8 Melee Character L Muster Witchers: When Played: Play all Witchers from Deck & Hand.

Zoltan Animal Tamer

6 Melee Hero L Choice Bring on the Field Marshall: When Played: Spawn Field Marshal Duda, who either grants +2 Strength or -2 Strength to all on row.

Zoltan The Brawler

6 Siege Hero L Resilient: Passive: Keep on the Battlefield after each round.


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